Occupational Therapist
Meera Nagaria graduated from the Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital with a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy.
She has been a practicing Pediatric Occupational Therapist for the last 9 years in clinics for Pediatric set up for working with children with developmental challenges, learning disabilities and children having challenges in sensory processing, gross and fine motor challenges along with handwriting training.
Her expertise lies in understanding the sensory processing needs of the child and providing appropriate therapies, strategies and detailed home sensory diets as per the need of the child.
Meera is certified in Ayres Sensory Integration. She uses her knowledge and training as foundation skill in helping children gain independence in their activities of daily living. Meera also conducts group therapy sessions wherein she works on building social skills and emotional regulation with children. She believes in inclusion and conducts school visits and workshops whenever needed and shares with schools detailed strategies on supporting the child in that environment.
Meera further has training in understanding oral tactile sensory processing challenges and trains clients and families for understanding if the child is a picky eater or has oral sensory processing challenges along with conducting specific intervention strategies for improving the same.
Clinical Trainings/ Certifications include:
- Sensory Integration from the University of Southern California
- Social Thinking curriculum by Michelle Garcia Winner
- Pg diploma in integrative nutrition and dietetics
- Handwriting without tears- a handwriting curriculum
- Trained in curriculum of the zones of regulation
- Training for picky eating challenges
- Facilitator for conducting educational training on sensory integration for parents and professionals
- English
- Hindi