Functional Electrical Stimulation Therapy

تأثير العلاج بالتحفيز الكهربائي الوظيفي (FES): تحسين نوعية الحياة للمرضى

By admin | October 7, 2024

العلاج بالتحفيز الكهربائي الوظيفي (FES) هو تقنية علاجية متقدمة تهدف إلى مساعدة الأفراد الذين يعانون من إعاقات جسدية ناتجة عن حالات عصبية أو عضلية. يتضمن هذا العلاج استخدام تيارات كهربائية منخفضة….

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Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Therapy

The Impact of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Therapy: Enhancing Quality of Life for Patients

By admin | October 3, 2024

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is an advanced therapeutic technique designed to aid individuals with physical impairments resulting from neurological or muscular conditions.

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picky eater

Why Is My Child A Picky Eater? How Can I Encourage A More Diverse Diet?

By admin | September 27, 2024

My child isn’t into veggies, and I’m really concerned about his health and nutrition.” “My kid only asks for his favorite chips whenever I try to offer new food.

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cme therapy dubai

How Can Parents Support Their Kids Throughout CME Therapy

By admin | September 30, 2024

Hello parents! So, is your child going to understand CME therapy? It is actually helpful for kids to develop motor skills, body awareness, better postural control, self-confidence, and more.

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occupational therapy dubai

Pediatric Occupational Therapy – What Parents Should Know and Expect from the Therapy

By admin | September 24, 2024

Parenting is a remarkable journey filled with happiness, laughter, joy as well as challenges.

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early intervention programs

The Importance of Early Intervention: Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

By admin | September 20, 2024

As parents, it’s only natural to hope that our child’s small delays or missed milestones will resolve on their own.

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Pediatric Therapy Dubai

The Impact of Pediatric Therapy on the Entire Family

By admin | September 17, 2024

Pediatric therapy goes beyond the individual child as it has the power to positively influence the entire family.

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applied behavior analysis

How Can Parents Know Their Little Kids Need Applied Behavior Analysis or ABA Therapy?

By admin | September 13, 2024

Hello parents! Today we will talk about Applied behavioral analysis a.k.a ABA therapy.

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VR in Physiotherapy for Children

Uncover the Positive Sides of Using Virtual Reality (VR) in Physiotherapy for Children

By admin | September 10, 2024

Virtual Reality (VR) has turned out to be a very important innovation in healthcare and, by extension, in pediatric physiotherapy.

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speech and language development

What is the Right Age for Early Intervention for Speech and Language Development?

By admin | September 4, 2024

Children are precious to every parent. And, it’s a great pleasure watching children grow.

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Picky Eater Dubai

5 Tips for Parents to Convince Little Picky Eaters to Try New Foods

By admin | August 30, 2024

Picky eating, according to many parents, is one of the most annoying things about their kids that they need to deal with.

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Cuevas Medek Exercises

Why Are Cuevas Medek Exercises (CME) Considered the Best Option for Pediatric Motor Development?

By admin | August 28, 2024

Understand Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) and Cuevas Medek Exercises (CME) and learn why CME is the best option. Contact Hope AMC for more details.

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Safe and Sound Protocol

Making Use of the Safe and Sound Protocol

By admin | August 26, 2024

Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) of integrated listening helps improve self-regulation, focus and spontaneous social engagement in a child. Contact us at Hope AMC.

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VitalStim therapy

VitalStim- Best Treatment for Individuals with Dysphagia

By admin | August 23, 2024

Vital stimulation is an innovative approach to treat individuals with swallowing disorders. Consult with our therapists to learn more about VitalStim therapy

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Occupational Therapy

Sensory Processing Challenges for Little Kids – What Are They? How to Help Your Kid?

By admin | August 20, 2024

Your little kid may have sensory processing disorder – oversensitivity and under sensitivity. Know what sensory challenges are and how occupational therapy helps.

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intensive speech therapy for Children

5 Most Effective Speech Therapy Exercises for Children With Autism

By admin | August 16, 2024

As a parent of a child with autism, it is never easy. But, with quick intervention and the right therapy approach, autistic kids can overcome developmental challenges and lead a more happy life.

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occupational therapy for children

Bringing Occupational Therapy Home – Fun Activities for Children with Autism

By admin | August 12, 2024

Discover best home-based occupational therapy activities for kids with ASD. Consult our board-certified occupational therapists for tailored therapy treatment.

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occupational therapy dubai

Helping My Toddler Reach Developmental Milestones With Occupational Therapy

By admin | August 6, 2024

Oh, hello parents! How is your toddler doing? No doubt, watching a toddler grow and explore the world is so wholesome.

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early intervention dubai

Early Intervention for Autism to Create a Brighter Future for Your Child

By admin | August 2, 2024

Early intervention is a crucial approach to helping children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) develop essential skills and reach their full potential.

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pediatric intensive therapy

Unveiling Amira’s Journey with Hope AMC and Intensive Pediatric Therapy

By admin | July 31, 2024

A few days back, we got a chance to meet a little star. Amira, a bright and energetic child, was full of potential.

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