speech therapy

Identify RED Flags in Speech And Language Development in Children from 2-24 Months

By admin | January 30, 2024

“Mama”, and “dada” – these are the most soothing words parents patiently wait to hear from their children. However, for some children, there could be a delay in learning these words because of speech and language disorders, learning difficulties, neurological conditions and other issues

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Speech therapy

How to Use Books in Speech Therapy for Your Child at Home? – Hope AMC – Dubai

By admin | July 14, 2023

Books! Books are colorful, elaborate, and filled with stories, pictures, alphabets, words, and much more. There are countless books available for babies, kids and even growing children. Despite the growing

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Speech therapy

Stuttering in Children: Types, Causes and Home Exercises -Hope Abilitation Medical Center – Dubai

By admin | May 12, 2023

Oh, your little one is learning to speak with little or broken words! This is one of the best feelings for parents when they hear “mama/dada” from their kids. However, with time,

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speech therapy

Speech & Language Therapy: A Guide to Getting Your Toddler Talking

By admin | April 14, 2023

Getting your toddler to talk can be a daunting challenge, but with the help of a speech and language therapist, your toddler can be on their way to better communication.

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speech therapy

How Hope AMC Speech Therapy Can Help With Common Speech Disorders in Children!

By admin | February 27, 2023

If you’re worried that your child has a speech-language disorder, you’re not alone. Speech, voice, language, or swallowing disorders affect approximately one in 12 U.S. kids aged 3 to 17

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