
ABA Therapy in Dubai-A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Autism Spectrum Disorder

aba therapy dubai

ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder is a well-known neurodevelopmental condition. This critical condition arises when a child fails to communicate and establish social interaction. Autistic children often demonstrate restricted and repetitive interests or patterns of behavior. It is now one of the most prevalent disorders regardless of race and ethnicity, culture, or economic background.

The data of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that ASD is diagnosed more often in boys than in girls. If we proceed with a deep search we can observe the indications that instances of autism are on the rise. Applied Behavior Analysis in Dubai can be applied to Autistic children to help them overcome any challenging condition caused by ASD.

What Are The Symptoms of ASD?

Symptoms of ASD typically appear clearly during early childhood, between ages 12 and 24 months. However, symptoms may also appear earlier or later. Early symptoms can be diagnosed by a delay in language or social development.

We can Differentiate the Problems of ASD into 2 Categories-

ASD can involve a range of issues with communication, many of which appear before age 5. The symptoms can be divided into two categories:

  • Problems of communication and social interaction
  • The repetitive pattern in behavior or activities

To be more precise the following indications can be considered such as-

  • After the birth of a child, they may face trouble maintaining eye contact
  • They fail to respond or connect after calling them at 9 months 
  • They can’t display facial expressions reflective of their emotions
  • At 12 months, Feeling reluctant for engaging in basic interactive games, like peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake
  • By 12 months, not able to complete hand gestures, like hand-waving
  • By 15 months, not sharing their interests with others
  • Not interested in engaging in “pretend play,” like caring for a baby doll or playing with figurines at 30 month

Why Is Applied Behavior Analysis Dubai The Most Effective Therapy for Autism?

To combat ASD, one of the most widely accepted therapies is Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy (ABA). It is a proven method and this therapy is mainly based on the scientific study, which is known as Behavior Analysis of children. It can be applied to children from 2 years of age up to any age group. The behavior of a child is greatly influenced by his/her surrounding environment. ABA therapy comes with a number of effective approaches to encourage and improve socially significant positive behaviors in children who are suffering from the autism spectrum.

Children can acquire and develop language and communication ability, reasoning skills, motor skills, social skills, learning and academic skills, verbal behaviors, self-care ability, play skills, etc by applying ABA therapy for children.

So How Does ABA Therapy Work for Children?

ABA Applied Behavior Analysis incorporates different treatments and approaches to teaching children how to overcome challenging behavior patterns. Functional Behavior Assessment ( FBA) is a well-known approach that can help in it. FBA is an integral part of this therapy and is conducted when a child starts to show challenging behavior. 

Top therapists try to figure out the reasons that can cause such abnormal behavioral patterns and based on that, they apply the best possible intervention that really works. Experienced ABA therapists conduct the therapy following some steps such as Constant monitoring of the child’s behavior, collection of observational data, thorough assessment, and functional analysis.

Which Is the Ideal Place for ABA Therapy?

If you are looking for the best possible treatment plan for your child, you must choose the best place for this. Must visit the top pediatric rehabilitation center in Dubai. At Hope AMC, extensive one-on-one sessions of ABA Therapy Dubai are provided to the children focusing on their individual needs and issues. Their unique conditions are treated based on their individual problems and symptoms.

ABA therapy helps them overcome adverse conditions. Parents and guardians should also become an integral part of this therapy so that they can encourage and help their children to practice the skills at home to encourage positive behavior constantly. This helps children to develop socially significant skills, communication skills, and the ability to interact socially.

Final Words

If your child is not having developmental delays then it is the right time to focus on their health. Let the expert therapists diagnose the issues in your child and based on these they will plan for the right treatment plan. They can identify the right ABA for a fruitful result. Don’t forget to visit the website before taking the services for your child.

By admin | January 6, 2022 | Categories: ABA Therapy | Tags:


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